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Do you offer a consultation session?

Yes.  I offer a FREE online consultation session during which we can identify how I can support you.

What can I expect from working with you?

Expect to feel heard, inspired, supported, and motivated. Also except to have fun, to discover what limits you, to see yourself in a new light, and to move forward.

What are coaching and positive psychology?

Coaching is the process of helping you move toward your goals, grow, and achieve positive changes that last. 

A lot of the science behind coaching comes from research in the fields of positive psychology and coaching psychology, which are scientific fields that focus on the promotion of well-being, strengths, resilience, and optimal functioning.

Why invest in skills for well-being and resilience?


  • Better work performance 

  • More satisfying relationships

  • Stronger immune systems

  • Better physical health and longevity

  • Fewer sleep problems

  • Lower levels of burnout

  • Greater self-control

  • Better self-regulation and coping abilities

  • Prosocial behavior and cooperation 

Data taken from The Positive Psychology Center, Penn University

What is your refund policy?

My aim is to be as helpful as I can. If, at any time, you feel that the coaching/skills training is not meeting your needs, please let me know so we can discuss any changes that might be required. You have the right to terminate our agreement if it does not meet your needs and you will be refunded for any paid-for future sessions (but not for any sessions that already occurred.)

Do you guarantee that coaching/skills-training will work for me?

No.  Positive psychology and coaching are not a panacea. 

Even though they have been proven to bring about positive results for most people, it is not guaranteed that they will work for you or that you will enjoy doing all of them.


The trick is to put effort into making them work for you, to develop self-awareness, and to make changes that will lead you to where you want to be. The more you put into the process, the more you'll get out of it. 


"Hope has proven a powerful predictor of outcome in every study we’ve done so far."

— Charles Rick Snyder

Is positive psychology about being happy and thinking positive thoughts all the time?

Not at all. 

Indeed, research shows that learning to think like an optimist--the tendency to see the future in a positive way--and creating more situations in which we can experience a wider range of positive emotions, correlate with an increase in our general well-being. 

However, positive psychology allows for and encourages people to experience the full range of emotions. instead of limiting our experience to "happy" or "unhappy," the science of positive psychology makes room for a wider range of positive emotions, such as awe, gratitude, love, joy, pride, serenity, hope, and many more. When it comes to difficult emotions, the science of positive psychology gives us the tools to work through them (to experience them without getting stuck in them and without letting them take over our lives. 

In addition, in the field of positive psychology we use the term well-being and not happiness. This is done to emphasize that you can have high levels of well-being even in periods during which you do not feel "happy."  For example: after a break-up, after getting fired, or while grieving. 







Can you elaborate on the different skills in your skills-training workshops?



  • Social skills - I introduce skills for better communication, relationship skills, listening skills, love skills, and so on. 

  •  Mental skills - I introduce skills such as growth mindset, empowerment, goal-setting, motivation, self-regulation, developing awareness of our brain biases, learning to silence our mind chatter, and many more. 

  • Emotional skills - I introduce skills such as emotional regulation and resilience, skills that help us work through difficult emotions without getting stuck in them, skills that help us identify emotional situations better, skills for setting healthy boundaries, skills for shifting our emotions, and many more. 

  • Physical skills - I introduce skills such as breathing techniques, skills that help us improve our sleep patterns, skills that help us develop conscious eating, practices for movement, and other skills and practices that help us take care of our bodies.

  • Spiritual tools - I introduce practices that help us connect to something bigger than ourselves, to find and develop our meaning and purpose in life, and more.

Is positive psychology simply positive thinking?

Not at all.  Positive psychology is a SCIENTIFIC FIELD.  All the skills and practices that come out of the science
(i. e., positive interventions) have been:


  • Tested on a large number of people from all over the world.

  • Have been peer reviewed by according to the scientific method.

  • Have been proven to bring about the desirable changes.

What are your fees?

My fees vary according to the type of service and the length of commitment. Sessions range between $119-$300. I utilize a sliding scale according to a client's ability to pay and I offer payment plans.

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